That's actually how the Demerdash Hospital Of Internal Medicine ( El Batna ) looks like ..
It takes a man to be here , although the medicinal round could often be thought to be one of the easiest and the most beneficial of all the rounds during the internship year ..
The amount of corruption that we're facing on daily basis , the numerous faces of death we face everyday and the various styles of misery, poverty and cruelty we stop by everyday makes it one of the toughest ..
From the residents to the nurses , the teaching the staff and the employees , between the patients and their relatives , the interns and the interns , tons of stuff are going on that take a man to handle.
El Batna is no easy business .. BeWare !!
How about instead of saying "it takes a man", saying "it takes someone with a spine" out of respect to all the girls out there who are worth 10 men..hmm?:P