Showing posts with label Ha Ha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ha Ha. Show all posts

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Another day at El-Demerdash

It started off just like any other day at El-Demerdash hospital, by signing in at 8:15, then mingling with the guys till 8:45 and then heading to wherever the ...  we need to be.

The resident had 5 requests in store for us, the 5 interns that were only here today to get them done in 1 hour tops and go home or wherever the.... we were going or at least that's what my friend and I thought was going to happen.  Well we thought wrong.

Looking at the requests paper, my friend Islam and I decided that we were going to take the 2 patients that needed interventional radiology, thinking that it was a cool thing, that we could learn and see something new and that it wouldn't take much time.

So we took our patients down to the clinic and rushed in to get an early spot, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited.................... and waited.

Sitting down with the other interns in the modest airconditioned waiting lounge we started chatting about all kinds of different stuff.

The first thing we discovered was that one of our patients' name was "Soso 3antar" who was incidently married to "Beblawi Ta2awi", and I promise you and I swear this is all true and the names are written as so in their IDs.  We had a good laugh about this for a good 3 hours.  We made all kinds of jokes about it.

Islam and myself decided that we should go check on our patients just to make sure that they were Ok and hanging in there.  But of course both our patients had disappeared.  As we rushed outside the patients' waiting room I found me patient and approached him:

"3am Aly enta ro7t fein"

"Ana mesh 3am Aly"

"Tab fein 3am Aly? Ra7 fein?"

"Wanna eh eli 3arafny? Ana Ma7moud, matrakez shwaya ya doctor!!!"

To my relief, 3am Aly was sitting behind me on the floor leaning on the wall witnissing this comedy show and comforting me that he was still there.

Islam's patient had gone back to her room because she decided she needed some money and that she couldn't trust her roommate with it!!

Anyway, again we had decided to go get something to drink, which took no more than 10 mins.  By the time we had reached the clinic again, my patient had finished everything and was heading back to his room.  After 3 hours of waiting, it turns out that I was not needed for more than 5 mins.

So I decided that I was not going to leave Islam alone.  We were in this together.
So we started to wait again, and he began telling me about the story of his patient who was going for a BM biopsy and just as they started touching her :

"Ana 3atshana, hatooli ashrab, 7amoot"

After drinking some water brought to her by the doctor

"Ana lessa 3atshana, hatooli ashrab tany, 7amoot"

"Tayeb ya mama ba3d man khalas, yalla"

"A3ooth Belah men al-shaitan al-rageem, Besm Allah Al-Rahman Al-Ra7eem

"Eh ya mama dah...... bas ehdy keda e7na lessa ma3amalnash 7aga"

"tayeb tayeb
A3ooth Belah men al-shaitan al-rageem, Besm Allah Al-Rahman Al-Ra7eem
Ketab 7ayaty ya 3en ...etc"

Back to where we were, it had hit 3 o'clock when the doctor finally called Islam's patient, and after 5 mins of examination she turned out to be just fine and didn't need anything.  After we had wasted 6 hours waiting, nothing, zilch, nil.  We had wasted 6 hours doing nothing at all.

Except that we had met "Soso 3anter" and exchanged some useless info.

Thank you Demerdash!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

فين الكارت بتاعك ؟؟

Most of the guys at the Medicinal round probably know this story - except myself - and have already asked me that question .. For the ones who haven't and the others who don't know the story , here it is in dialogue ..

مشهد 1

الساعة حوالي الثانية بعد منتصف الليل و طبيب الإمتياز مستغرق في النوم على شبه فراش لا يبدو مريحا على الإطلاق

رنين الهاتف

ينهض طبيب الامتياز في عجالة ليجيب على الهاتف متوقعا كارثة

الإمتياز : الو؟

صوت رجل : الو .. 5 باطنة ؟

الإمتياز : أيوة يا فندم .. خير ؟

الرجل : إيه يا استاذ العيانة إللى انت باعتهالي مستشفى الجراحة دي ؟

الإمتياز : عيانة إيه يا فندم .. احنا مابعتناش حد الجراحة

الرجل : انت حتهزر معايا ؟ .. العيانة سعدية من 5 باطنة قدامي اهه

الإمتياز : ايوة بس انا مابعدش أي حد و ما عنديش عيانة اسمها سعدية .. فيه عيانين محجوزين عندي من واحد باطنة يمكن منهم

الرجل : نعم ؟ انت اسمك إيه ؟ نايب و لا امتياز و لا ايه بالظبط ؟

الامتياز : امتياز.. شريف احمد حضرتك

الرجل : ايوة ممضي قدامي على التذكرة اهه شريف محمد

يبدأ الفأر - ليس شعراوي - يلعب في عب الإمتياز .. نعتذر عن اللغة السوقية
لا يمضي الإمتياز بذلك الإسم قط ده إذا كان بيمضي حاجة اصلا

الرجل : ترتيبك كام ؟

الامتياز :409

الرجل : يعني ليك كارت .. فين الكارت بتاعك إزاي ما تبعتوش مع العيانة ؟

الامتياز : كارت ايه وعيانة ايه بس .. انا ما عنديش اصلا عيانة اسمها سعدية و مابعدتش حد

الرجل: انت هتهرج ؟ .. خد العيانة معاك اهه

صوت رجل لامؤاخذة : ايوة يا دكتور انا سعدية .. فين الكارت يا دكتور ؟

يدرك الإمتياز أنه كان ضحية

الامتياز : لا يا ماما .. انت الظاهر

صوت إغلاق الخط .. تيت تيت تيت تيت

و بما إن الصورة ابلغ من الكلام .. ذلك هو شعور الامتياز لحظتها

مشهد 2

الصباح التالي عند سلم المستشفى و مدام منى الكل يسأل طبيب الإمتياز ذات السؤال

فبن الكارت بتاعك يا شريف ؟

Good one guys ..

Of course , it's needless to say i still don't know who's the HO's Ashton Kutcher .. !!!!!